Monthly Charity Donations - December's Funds will go to Staten Island Giving Circle

Every month AoIP donates 10% of our income from our website sales to a charity/fundraiser that is in immediate need, or is a choice from our AoIP community.

December's donation will go to Staten Island Giving Circle. Our Associate Teacher, Michele Yacovello, had proposed this for consideration.

Here are Michele's words about SIGC: 

The Staten Island Giving Circle is near and dear to my heart. I have been involved for 8 years and became president 2 years ago. 

We are a 100% volunteer based grass roots organization doing as much locally as we possibly can. 

Our most popular is the kids enrichment program in which we raise money for school trips, kids coat closets and teachers closets. These take place at title 1 schools in lower income neighborhoods. 

School trips are self explanatory, coats, hats, scarves, gloves, socks and often boots are provided as needed to schools providing a kids coat closet in schools as needed. 

For teachers closets, teachers are nominated and receive a wish list of the  most needed items for their particular classroom. 

This holiday season we are hosting a holiday party for 50 children and we are ‘adopting’ another 65 from a local family shelter. Each child will receive several brand new gifts.

Please check out our website for a full listing of the various projects. You can also find us on Facebook.

Buy purchasing a class or gift certificate on our website in the month of December, you will be participating in making a difference at SIGC.

November's donation will be going to Main Springs (the Janada L. Batechlor Foundation for Children) in East Africa.

If you have a suggestion of where to donate for the month of January, please let us know. 


Monthly Charity Donations - January's Funds will go to Emma's Place


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