Snow Day! Share Your Photos With Us
Please share your snow photos with us! You can tag them on our Instagram page with #intuitivephoto or follow @artofintuitivephotography or you can post to our Facebook group.
Photo tips:
- Move, move, move! Get low on the ground, get in the middle of the street. Good photos come about when you allow yourself to shoot from different perspectives and angles. If you're home, go to every window and see what visually intrigues you.
- Make sure you are dressed properly and your gear is protected. It is difficult to brave the elements, but it makes it so much harder if your fingers are frozen or you are drenched with a chill to the bone. Take care of yourself so you can really enjoy the moment (and yes, that is possible!). Use a water proof bag or case to protect your camera. You can also wrap your camera in a plastic bag and secure it with rubber bands. Also bring an extra charged battery as the cold tends to drain it faster.
- Have fun! Really, you can. Remember when you were a kid and you wanted to go out in a storm and your mother told you not to? Now's your chance! Go out and let your inner child come out.
We look forward to see how you capture this snow storm!
Your AoIP Team
- Mindy, Sepia, Michele and Dan